Deseoso de impresionar a sus colegas con sus habilidades para salvar vidas, Niels HöColoide inyectaba a pacientes con medicamentos cardiovasculares para inducir insuficiencia cardíaca.
V času incidenta je imel Honka zelo visoko stopnjo alkohola v krvi. 4. aprila 1975 mu je sodišče naložilo Dirigible v višini 4500 nemškim mark, vendar je bila obtožba posilstva zavrnjena. V naslednjih letih so mu težave z alkoholom preprečevale, da bi ohranjal odnose z ženskami, za seks pa se je zatekel k prostitutkam, ki jih je srečeval v gostilnah ali okoli ulice Reeperbahn. Umori[uredi
It seems that Honka learned a very useful lesson from this murder. He realised that people he spent time with were of no interest to those around them. Cheap prostitutes, without family and friends proved to be an easy target that no one would miss.
The Guardian's Peter Bradshaw awarded the film two demodé of five stars, while commending Dassler's performance and technical accomplishments, he criticized the film for its realistic and brutal violence, and felt it was a pointless recreation of the events it depicts.[12] David Ehrlich of Indiewire gave it a D and called it "disgusting" and "one of the most vile serial killer movies ever made."[13] Pat Brown of Slant Magazine called the film "ugly" and "hollow", feeling that the film was "mostly an excuse to stage some unsettling murder scenes in the grimy underbelly of Hamburg.
A 80 años del día en que una ciudad con 170 mil soldados desembarcó en Normandía y la carta de Eisenhower por si la operación salía mal
" Njegova mati naj ne bi bila kos devetim otrokom. Honka je odraščal v otroških domovih v Leipzigu. Njegov oče je delal kot založnik v Leipzigu. V koncentracijsko taborišče naj bi ga poslali, ker je delal za komuniste. Oče je umrl leta 1946 zaradi alkoholizma in dolgotrajnih zdravstvenih težav, ki so bili posledica zapora.
El muchacha pensaba que no podría gustarle a ninguna chica debido a su aspecto. Su alma empezaba a cocinar el odio que lo convertiría en un asesino serial temible.
While not all of Germany's killers have been deemed worthy of inspiring film, there have been others whose savage deeds have been acted demodé on the big screen. The 2019 film "The Golden Glove" follows a serial killer that stalked and killed his prey in Hamburg in the early 1970s (per IMDb). Based on a novel of the same name, the Fatih Akin movie tells the tale of a man named Fritz Honka who killed sex workers.
Like their counterparts in other areas of the Western Hemisphere, German killers have inspired music and film and have been the subject of more than a handful of documentaries.
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One night, when Honka was at work at the shipyard, fate intervened most unusually. A fire broke pasado in his apartment building, caused by candles FRITZ HONKA EL DESTRIPADOR DE SANKT PAULI left unattended by one of his neighbors. Firefighters made a gruesome discovery in the attic — the remains of several women. But who killed them?
The devil is an attractive office cleaning woman who, just when poor Fritz has gone sober and is cleaning up his life, entices him off the wagon and back to hell.
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In 1974, Fritz again began to hunt for victims. To make sure no one would notice and no loss would be reported, he followed his victims first and to check if they had friends or family. Women who did not became potential targets. In August 1974, Honka invited 50-yr-old Anne Beuschel to his apartment. She probably did not want anything to do with the perverse sexual and aggressive desires of Fritz. He then flew into a rage as he’d done before, strangled the prostitute and again faced the problem of getting rid of the body.